Rome Brescia Rome
11 October – 24 November 2024
Brescia pays homage to Rome | Rome pays homage to Brescia
From the synergy between the Borghese Gallery and the House Museum of the Paolo and Carolina Zani Foundation comes the Roma Brescia Roma project, the culturale twinning
that connects the two prestigious Italian art collections.
The project, conceived and coordinated by Massimiliano Capella, Director of the House Museum of the Paolo and Carolina Zani Foundation, and Emanuela Settimi, Curator of the Borghese Gallery, initiates the collaboration through a double exhibition, in Brescia and Rome.
From 11 October to 24 November 2024, on the occasion of the Savoldo Borghese capsule exhibition, the Zani House Museum exceptionally exhibits two masterpieces by Giovanni Gerolamo Savoldo (Brescia 1480 ca. – Venice ? post 1548), one of the fathers of Brescian Renaissance painting, from the Borghese Gallery. At the same time, two Busts of the Roman Emperor from the Zani collection, attributable to the circle of Guglielmo and Giovanni Battista della Porta, will inhabit the Hall of the Emperors in the Borghese Gallery.
In the room dedicated to temporary exhibitions, Casa Museo Zani exhibits the Bust of a Young Man and Tobias and the Angel by Giovanni Gerolamo Savoldo (Brescia 1480 ca. – Venice? Post 1548). The canvases, on loan from the Borghese Gallery, are unanimously considered by critical historiography among the works of greatest lyricism within the artist’s catalog, counted – with Moretto and Romanino – among the noble fathers of Reinessance painting of Brescia and Lombard origin.
In the Bust of a Young Man, a boy without elements useful for his identification is portrayed in three – quarter view on a dark background, in the act of reaching out towards the viewer, within a confined space. There are two plausible hypotheses, although without documentary evidence: some believe it is a portrait from life of an unknown patron – perhaps belonging to the circle of Cardinal Gasparo Contarini – by others the preparatory study for the figure of St. John the Evangelist the Evangelist in the lost Deposition Cross in Berlin, dated 1537. What is certain, hower, is that the work is the testimony of the crestal phase in which, not completely abandoning the typical stylistic features of Lombard figurative culture, the author evolves in the use of colors and the treatment of light, in the light of the important lesson of Titian.
Also indebted to Titian’s lesson is the biblical-themed canvas Tobias and the Angel, considered one of the most important examples of Savoldo’s production. It is in fact through the use of bright colors that the painter simulates the expedient of a light source which, from the background of the composition, strikes the angel, placing the young man’s face in dim light, making the drapery silky, shiny and particularly material, with almost metallic folds.
It was William Suida, in 1937, who was the first to compare the figure of the announcing angel of Savoldo to that of Titian’s Averoldi Polyptych, a masterpiece created in 1522 for the church of Santi Nazaro e Celso in Brescia. The beginning of the convinced adherence to Titian’s ways dates back to then, which around the middle of the third decade of the sixteenth century began to characterize a particularly happy phase of Savoldo’s production. A further example of this is the rendering of the landscape, constructed by means of dark masses and a bright use of color which emerges particularly clearly in the rendering of the fabrics of the two protagonists.
Around Savoldo
Conference series between art, fashion and society
Auditorium Casa Museo Zani
The exhibition project is accompanied by a cycle of meetings and insights linked to the figure of Giovanni Gerolamo Savoldo, on the historical, artistic and cultural context of the first half of the 16th century, as well as on the reasons for the fascinating exchange between the two museums promoting this project .
Auditorium of the Zani House Museum:
October 19th, 4 p.m.
Giovanni Gerolamo Savoldo. Story of a protagonist of the Brescian Renaissance
Fiorella Frisoni – Art historian
October 26th, 4 p.m.
Magnificent Elegance. Italian fashion illustrated [also] by Savoldo, Moretto and Romanino
Massimiliano Capella – Director of the Paolo and Carolina Zani Foundation House Museum
November 9th, 4 p.m.
Savoldo between sacred and profane
Angelo Loda – ABAP Superintendency Bergamo and Brescia
November 16th, 4 p.m.
Rome-Brescia-Rome (From Galleria Borghese to Casa Museo Zani)
Emanuela Settimi – Curator of the Borghese Gallery
All appointments are free of charge upon reservation
On conference days, participants will be able to visit the Savoldo Borghese exhibition and the permanent collection of the House Museum at 3pm with a reduced ticket (€10) (reservations required).
Educational activity
Images of light
On the occasion of the Savoldo Borghese exhibition, the educational services of the House Museum have created a dedicated laboratory entitled Images of light, designed for lower and upper secondary schools, academies and universities.
Savoldo, in all his production and in an extraordinary way in the works featured in the exhibition, is a master in the rendering of light as the undisputed protagonist of the scene and instrument for the investigation of clothes and drapery. Light is therefore the protagonist of the laboratory proposed here.
After a reading of the two works exhibited, the participants, divided into pairs and equipped with their smartphones and flashlights provided by the House Museum, will be able to take photographs experimenting with different light effects in the spaces of the House.
How important is light in the rendering of the image? The photographs produced by the students will thus lead to the creation of a collective work: a large mosaic of images created with different natural and artificial light sources.
At the same time as Savoldo’s works remain in the spaces of the House Museum, in the Hall of the Emperors (room IV) of the Galleria Borghese, alongside the 18 porphyry and alabaster busts of the Twelve Caesars and illustrious figures, two Busts of Emperors arrive, part of the Zani Collection, attributable to the sphere of Guglielmo and Giovanni Battista della Porta. The sculptures portray Emperor Hadrian according to the official portrait model of the Capitoline Museums and Emperor Hadrian in his youth. Precious is the polychrome and multi-material component of the busts and their respective contemporary bases (second half of the 16th century), made of white marble, Turkish onyx, ancient yellow, ancient green, ancient red, marine onyx, African marble, Portasanta.
For info and reservations: – 0302520479 –