
La collezione della Casa Museo si compone di oltre 1250 opere tra dipinti, sculture, arti applicate e arredi. Tra i capolavori si segnalano opere di Canaletto, Tiepolo, Guardi, Longhi, Boucher, accanto a preziosi arredi barocchi e rococò principalmente francesi e veneziani e straordinari oggetti d’arte applicata del XVII e XVIII secolo. Capolavori assoluti sono: la coppia di Commodes del 1789 di Giuseppe Maggiolini con tarsie di Andrea Appiani e il Tavolo ottagonale in pietre dure realizzato tra la fine del Seicento e l’inizio del Settecento nella Galleria dei Lavori di Firenze.

Selected works

François Boucher (Paris 1703 - 1770)
France - 1746-1747

Pietro Falca a.k.a. Pietro Longhi (Venice 1701 – 1785)
Venice - 1750 circa

Francesco Guardi (Venice 1712 – 1793)
Venice - 1782

Francesco Guardi (Venice 1712 – 1793)
Venice - 1780 circa

Bernardo Bellotto (Venice 1722 – Warsaw 1780)
Venice - 1738-1739

Michele Marieschi (Venice 1710 - 1743)
Venice - 1738-1740

School of Luca Giordano (Naples 1634 - 1705)
Naples - Late 17th century

Anonymous painter active in Italy (?) 1625-1630
Italy - 1625-1630

François Boucher (Paris 1703 - 1770)
Paris - 1741

Giambattista Tiepolo (Venice 1696 – Madrid 1770)
Venice - 1743-1745

Giovanni Antonio Canal a.k.a. Canaletto (Venice 1697 – 1768)
Venice - 1732-1738

Giovanni Antonio Canal a.k.a. Canaletto (Venice 1697 – 1768)
Venice - 1733-1734

Giambattista Tiepolo (Venice 1696 – Madrid 1770)
Venice - 1730-1735

Doccia manufacture on a model by Massimiliano Soldani Benzi (Montevarchi, Arezzo 1656 – Galatrona 1740)
Doccia - second half of 18th century

Attributed to Alessandro Algardi (Bologna 1598 – Rome 1654)
Rome - 1635 circa

Gaspero Bruschi (Florence 1710-1780)
Florence - Doccia - before 1747

Circle of Giovanni Battista Della Porta (Vico Equense, Naples 1535 – Naples 1615) and Guglielmo Della Porta (Porlezza, Como 1515 circa – Rome 1577)
Rome - late 17th century

Chinese manufacture, late 17th century - early 18th century (porcelain); French manufacture, first half of 18th century (bronze)
China - France - China - France - 1662-1722 (porcelain), 1745-1749 (bronze base/mount)

Late 17th century North European sculptor
Northern Europe - late 17th century

Filippo Parodi (Genoa 1630 - 1702)
Genoa - 1666-1670

Circle of Giacomo Colombo (Este, Padua, 1663 - Naples 1731)
Naples - 1695-1705

late 16th century Roman manufacture
Rome - late 16th century

Top: Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Florence. Base: George Bullock (Birmingham 1777 - Liverpool, 1818)
Florence - 1715-1720 (top) 1810-1815 (base)

mid 18th century Roman manufacture
Rome - 1750 circa

early 19th century German manufacture
Germany - 1800-1815 circa

mid 18th century Roman manufacture
Rome - mid 18th century

Nicolas Sageot (Paris? 1666-1731)
France - 1702 circa

Bernard II van Risemburgh (active in Paris 1730-1767) or Bernard III van Risemburgh (Paris 1799)
France - 1766-1770

attributed to André Charles Boulle (Paris 1642 - 1732) and Etienne Levasseur (1721-1798)
France - 1705-1715

mid 18th century Venetian manufacture
Venice - mid 18th century

Giuseppe Maggiolini (Parabiago, Milan 1738-1814) on a design by Raffaele Albertolli (Bedano, Switzerland 1770 – Milan 1812) and Giocondo Albertolli (Bedano, Switzerland 1742 – Milan 1839), with inlays designed by Andrea Appiani (Milan 1754 - 1817)
Lombardy - 1789

17th century Roman manufacture
Rome - 1660-1680

mid 18th century Venetian manufacture
Venice - mid 18th century

Georges Jacob (Cheny, Burgundy 1739 – Paris 1814)
France - 1780 circa

mid 18th century Venetian manufacture
Venice - mid 18th century

1840s Genoese manufacture, probably on a drawing by Lorenzo De Ferrari (Genoa, 1680 circa – 1744)
Genoa - 1740-1744 circa

18th century Roman manufacture
Rome - mid 18th century

18th century Venetian manufacture
Venice - mid 18th century

18th century Trapanese manufacture
Sicily - second half 18th century

mid 17th century Chinese manufacture
China - 1650 circa

mid 18th century Northern Italian manufacture
Northern Italy - 1750 circa

Real Fabbrica Ferdinandea (active in Naples from 1771 to 1835)
Naples - 1795 circa

François-Désiré Froment-Meurice (Paris1802 - 1855) (concept); Victor Geoffroy-Dechaume (Paris 1816 - Valmondois 1892) and Antoine Vechte (Vic-sous-Thil 1799 - Avallon 1868) (figures)
Paris - 1844 circa

first half 18th century Murano manufacture
Venice - 1700-1750 circa

Greek art
Southern Italy (Magna Graecia) - 340-320 BC

Russian Imperial Glass Factory, design by Ivan Ivanov (director from 1815 to 1848)
Russia - 1820 circa

18th century Chinese manufacture
China - late 18th century

Vatican Mosaic Studio, on a model attributed to Pompeo Girolamo Batoni (Lucca 1708 – Rome 1787)
Rome - mid 18th century