4th june -10th october 2021
A great project that combines study, research, enhancement and promotion of the artistic and natural heritage of the Casa Museo and its scenic Garden.
The exhibition Wonderful! A European Baroque flowery masterpiece, set up in the new room of the temporary exhibitions inside the Casa Museo, presents the results of the historical-artistic, stylistic and botanical investigations conducted on the large canvas with Still life with three vases of flowers, a squirrel and a parrot on a table (1625-1630 circa), which entered the Zani collection in 2004. Although the work does not have a certain attribution, it was chosen by Zani exclusively for its extraordinary pictorial quality. Admirable in technique and visual impact, the scenic canvas, already attributed in 1999 to Astolfo Petrazzi, was exhibited in 2016 at the Galleria Borghese in Rome as the work of a Caravaggio painter active in the third-fourth decade of the seventeenth century. The work, as mysterious as it is scenic, has been subjected in recent months to a series of scientific investigations, stylistic and botanical research that have led to new results, presented precisely on the occasion of this new exhibition. As many as 63 botanical essences are reproduced in the painting that, for stylistic and compositional affinities with other works, is today traced back to the production of an artist active in Italy, probably Spanish, within the third decade of the 17th century.
The exhibition will be accompanied, between the months of June and September, by a series of side events (guided tours and workshops) dedicated to the theme of still life, garden and flowers.
The courses, workshops and practice activities for adults and children are intended as moments of collateral activities that have as their theme nature, flowers and the garden. The aim is to create a dialogue between the works of art exhibited inside the Casa Museo and the scenic surrounding garden full of natural essences, artfully pruned shrubs and a rich collection of vases, wells and fountains.
For adults:
05 June (10 am) – 06 June (3 pm): Tai Chi Yang practice
Physical and mental exercise that aims to harmonize mind and body to achieve a state of balance and inner well-being through an interconnection between man and nature.
Ticket: 15€
Access to the House Museum and collateral events is allowed by reservation only: info@fondazionezani.com – 0302520479.
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